  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read


Article summary

Variables has a name, value and type.

Name of a variable should not contain a space and should be shorter than 256 characters. Even if most applications will handle both spaces and longer names.

Value is always a string. And the type is default text/plain if no other is selected.
The value is in Unicode and not limited to a specific length.

Movie Variables

In the composer it is possible to add variables of different types to the Movie. These variables will be available for the playback when playing this movie. The scope of these variables is Local (Dise Movie Context).

Any file (image, video, binary) that is connected to the variable will be uploaded as a dependency and accessible as a data connection or through a script.

Template fields

Variables in the Movie can be promoted into template fields, which allows the Composer to upload them to the portal and add the variable as a template field.
Not all types can be used as template fields and the portal will handle types that are connected to a file differently from those that are not.

The Template and Template Fields will be converted into Messages and Message Fields in the Portal and those will then be published in a playlist to the player.

Template vs Message

A template is created by the Composer when uploading a Dise Movie to the portal that has one or more variables marked as a template field. 

Each template field will have the following properties

  • Name
  • Type (see below)
  • Value (can be empty but usually something, read only)
  • Required

A message is created by the Portal and is connected to a template. It has fields corresponding to the template fields.
But if the template has been changed after the message was created there can be difference between the two (like fields changed, removed or added).
The message can be added into a playlist.

The message has these properties

  • Name
  • Type
  • Value

Publishing & Playback

A message is published in the playlist that they are attached in (they can be attached to more than one). The player will get the name, type, value of the message field. The template field value will not be sent to the player.

When the message field is received by the Player it will put that into the variables for the Movie, replacing (on name) any variables that was created for the movie (see above).


Object position (Relative)




Semicolon separated pixel position x;y

Relative to the position where the object was created.


"0;0" (no change)

"1000:0" (+1000 pixels on the x-axis)

"0:1000" (+1000 pixels on the y-axis)

"0:-1000" (-1000 pixels on the y-axis)

Object color

The color of the object, only for objects with color (like text, shape, ticker, …)




Color value in hex "#RRGGBB"


"FF0000" (red)

Object visible




"true" om the object should show, false if it should not show.


"true" (shows)

"false" (does not show)

Image file




Filename (full or relative path) or hash of file.




Video file




Filename (full or relative path) or hash of file.




Binary file

Will not be promoted as a template field




Filename (full or relative path) or hash of file.






The text in the object, only for objects with text(like text, paragraph, web page, …)


String of text


"This is my text in my field"


Object alpha


Alpha level of object


Percentage of alpha level (0,20 = 30%)




Using variables

Variables can be read or created using these methods.

Message Field [Composer, Premium Player, Lite Player, CX Portal]

If a Message is connected to the template playing on the player, then all message fields will be added as Variables to the Movie and are then accessible to all other methods listed here.

Script [Composer, Premium Player]

variabel = DISEScript.GetVariable("name")

variabel = DISEScript.GetVariable("local", "name")

variabel = DISEScript.GetVariable("global", "name")

DISEScript.SetVariable("name", "value")

DISEScript.SetVariable("local", "name", "value")

DISEScript.SetVariable("global" "name", "value")

Without scope the variable will first be found in local scope and then in the global

Connect Property [Composer]

In the Composer we can connect a variable to a Property of a Object (image, video, text, …). This works for all types above (position, color, visible).

Scope: First local scope and then global.

Data connection [Composer]

Used by “Connect Property” but can also be used for most objects to change the text or filename.

Scope: First local scope and then global.

Player Custom Setting VAR-x [Premium Player, Lite Player, Portal]

Added on player or player group in Portal.

Custom settings

HTTP API [Premium Player]

Scope: Global


Variable editor [Premium Player]

Scope: Global


  • In Premium press F5 and choose Debug > Variable editor (Need to turn on debugging, see custom settings 'debug' setting)
  • In Composer choose File > Debug > Global variables
  • Then choose Add to add or double click on already created variables to edit them.

Playback monitor [Premium Player]

Only view

Scope: Movie context

Web pages / Widget [Lite player]

When adding a web page to a playlist and playing on Lite player any variables on the player will automatically be added to the end of the URL as query parameters.


Variables can be global or connected to a Dise Movie Context (Local)

Global variables are only available through the application, so they are not shared by default between the Control center and Replay or between the Portal and he Control center.

There is a setting called "VariableDefaultScope" that you can set to "local" to force the player to check local variables when nothing is speciefied, you can also set it to "global" if you want to ignore local variables when nothing is specified (Backward compability). 

Set variables

  • From the Portal
    • How: Create a custom setting (string) on a player/group that for example is called Var-X. This will set a variable on the Player that is called 'X'.
    • Scope: Global
  • From script
    • How: In a script, run:
      • DISEScript.SetVariable("name", u"BOB")
      • DISEScript.SetVariable("global", "name", u"BOB")
      • DISEScript.SetVariable("local", "name", u"BOB")


 - Dise Movies where the variable and script is defined if nothing else has been specified.
 - Global for background scripts

From the players HTTP api


  • Make sure the webserver is active on the player (See network in this guide Custom Settings)
  • Find the players API-GUID 
curl -H "Content-Type:text/xml" -X PUT --data "<Request><Variablename> Persistent='false'>Value</Variablename ></Request>" http://localhost:8080/api/Replay/API-GUID/Variables/Variablename

Full documentation here: HTTP API

From event


  • Right click the object or scene and pick Events
  • Choose for example When scene starts and click Add. 
  • Choose "Set variable" in the list and write name and value below.
     - Dise movie context (default in new versions) or Global (Automaticly created before v27)
     - There is a choice to either use Global or Local variables 

During scene or object runtime


  • Right click on the object or scene and pick Events
  • Click Add under Variables set during playback
     - Dise movie context (default in new versions) or Global (Automaticly created before v27)
     - There is a choice to either use Global or Local variables

From variable editor & "preview" context editor


  • In Composer choose Movie > Edit variables
  • Click Add to add a variable.
  • Choose Movie > Edit contexts
  • Click Add to add a context
  • Choose a variable by either hitting F2 or by clicking in the Value-column to change a predefined variable.
     - The current Dise movie context, only works in Composer.

Automatically created variable names

On premium player

  • PlayerId - The id of the player
  • PlayerName - Name of the player


  • BrandId - the display's brand id
  • BrandName - the display's brand name
  • CountryId - the display's country id
  • CountryCode - the display's country code
  • RegionId - the display's region id
  • RegionName - the display's region name
  • SiteId - the display's site id
  • SiteName - the display's site name
  • SiteLatitude - the geographical latitude value for this display's site
  • SiteLongitude - the geographical longitude value for this display's site
  • SiteAddress - the display's site address
  • AreaId - the display's area id
  • AreaName - the display's area name


  • <TagName> - for each tag on the display, a corresponding variable is created

Operating hours

  • Operating_hours.exceptions - The operating hour exceptions set
  • Operating_hours.<day> - Operating hours for a specific day
  • use_operating_hours - If it will use set operating hours or not

Playback statistics

  • Playback_statistics.intervall - Intervall of time for when the player will send playback statistics
  • use_playback_statistics - If the player will use playback statistics or not


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