- 12 Jun 2024
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- Updated on 12 Jun 2024
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Triggers can be used in scripts to control what plays on a display.
Create a Trigger
- Navigate to 'Admin' in the left menu:
- Under 'Triggers', click 'Create':
3. Enter a name for the trigger.
4. Click 'Create'.
5. A trigger can be referenced in a script by the name or Id.
6. Click on the trigger to view where it's being used.
Add a Trigger
A trigger can be added to a scenario within a channel.
- In a scenario change the type to trigger:
2. Select a trigger.
3. Click 'Create' or 'Update'.
Call a Trigger from a Script
Use methods from the Dise library to call a trigger:
DISEScript.GetTrigger(string name)
Queries the playback engine for a trigger with the given name and returns its value as a boolean value.
DISEScript.SetTrigger(string name, boolean value)
Sets a trigger in the portal with the name provided.
DISEScript.ToggleTrigger(string name)
Sets the trigger in the portal, setting its value to true if it is already false, and to false if it is true.
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