Field types
  • 08 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Field types

Article summary

This guide is for the Dise One playout engine only. Please reference other guides for Dise Premium & Dise Lite.

Optional fields are marked with a *


The text field is an ordinary single-line text box:

  "type": "text",
  "key": String,
  "caption": String,
  "default": String, *
  "required": Boolean *

Text Area

The textarea field is an ordinary multi-line text box:

  "type": "text",
  "key": String, 
  "caption": String,
  "default": String, *
  "required": Boolean *
This is currently only supported in the Dise MQ portal and not in the CX portal.


The checkbox field is a simple boolean checkbox or toggle switch.

  "type": "checkbox",
  "key":  String,
  "caption": String,
  "default": Boolean, *


The select field type is a list of multiple choices where one option can be selected. (key = value shown in editor and value = property value received by the template).

  "type": "select",
  "key": String,
  "caption": String,
  "options": [
    { "key": String, "value": String }
  "default": String, *
  "required": Boolean *
This is currently only supported in the Dise MQ portal and not in the CX portal.


The content field type is a file picker, where the user can either upload a new file or choose an existing file from the content library.

Default can only be used with predefined contents but path will be created if it does not exist. Note that either content or default is required.

All paths in options are relative to the template's contentBasePath.

  "type": "content",
  "key": String,
  "caption": String,
  "options": [
      "path": "backgrounds" 
      "content": "logos/store.jpg"
  "default": "logos/store.jpg", *
  "defaultId": "xxxxxx", *
  "required": Boolean *


The contentlist field type is like the content field type, except that it allows the user to select multiple files and control the order of the files:

"type": "contentlist",
  "key": String,
  "caption": String,
  "default":  [ {"contentId": “xxxxxx” } ],
   "options": [
      "dirid": Integer 
      "key": String 
      "mediaid": Integer
      "templatefielddataid": Integer
      "templatefieldid": Integer
      "type": String
This is currently only supported in the Dise MQ portal and not in the CX portal.

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