Player Simulator
  • 15 Oct 2024
  • 5 読む分

Player Simulator

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This document describes how to set up a test and debug environment for Dise templates.

The Player Simulator is a light-weight implementation of the Dise Player API, suitable for running and debugging templates in a stand-alone environment, i.e. outside of the normal CMS/Player system. The dynamic data which would normally come from the CMS needs to be provided in local “mock” files.


A suitable IDE is recommended:

  • Visual Studio Code.

  • Visual Studio.

  • any other IDE which supports TypeScript debugging.

Debugging directly in a browser is possible, but not recommended if a proper IDE experience is available.

Template Test File Structure

Template repositories usually have this structure (with a single template, called “testTemplate” here):


our launcher-file


PlayerSim – an ES6-module in later versions of the framework


a Git-link to TemplateFramework as a SubModule


our template


our template main-file for release


our template main-file with any development-changes

any other files



mock Playlist


template settings we would usually get from the CMS


any initial attributes for testing


any test-assets, like videos or images

The formats of the various files are described below.


The settings.json file is used to define settings which would normally be found in the manifest file (template.json) when the template is added to and used from the CMS.

An example of a minimal settings.json:

    "settings": {
        "targetWidth": 1920,
        "targetHeight": 1080

(defaults to allowReuse: true and scalePlayer: false)

In most cases, a fallback-duration should be set, allowReuse, and scalePlayer:

    "id": "",
    "name": "Test Template",
    "settings": {
    "defaultDuration": 15,
    "targetWidth": 1920,
    "targetHeight": 1080,
    "allowReuse": false,
    "scalePlayer": true


The content.json file contains the mock playlist with content item(s) for testing the template. It is a simple JSON array with “any” objects:

        "text": "Hello world!",
        "someFile": {
            "url": https: //
        "text": "Status update",
        "someFile": {
            "url": https: //

When the template is used, this data will be provided by the CMS, in the same format.

The template should check the format and data and handle any errors.


The attributes.json file may contain any mock attributes (tags and triggers) to pass to the template as metadata.attributes for testing:

        "name": "static.MagicEnabled",
        "active": true
        "name": "dyn.Observers",
        "active": true,
        "data": "[\"Zaphod Beeblebrox\"]"

Index.html Launcher File

The index.html file is the main entry point for running the template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1" />
    <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache" />
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Dise Player Simulator</title>
    <script> const templates = { test: { testTemplate: ['testTemplate'], } } </script>
        type="module"> import { PlayerSimulator } from "./PlayerSimulator/out/PlayerSimulator.js"; // Select template here: const template = templates.test.testTemplate; const players = []; function startPlayer(e) { const props = getProps(template); return new PlayerSimulator(e, props.content, props.settings,; } const start = () => players.push(startPlayer(document.getElementsByTagName('container')[0])); if (document.readyState !== 'complete') document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => start(), false); else start(); function getProps(propsA) { if (!Array.isArray(propsA) || !propsA[0]) throw Error('Invalid'); const [folder, relPage, relContent, relSettings] = propsA; return { page: relPage || folder + '/Debug.html', content: relContent || folder + '/MockData/Content.json', settings: relSettings || folder + '/MockData/Settings.json' }; }; </script>
        html body {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            border: 0;
            font-family: sans-serif;

        container {
            display: block;
            width: 100vw;
            height: 100vh;
            position: relative;
            background-color: #ddd;
            overflow: hidden;

        container iframe {
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 1;
            top: 0px;
            left: 0px;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;



The templates object will have references to all templates in the repo for easy testing. The-tuple-syntax for each relative Url allows for overriding the launch-file, content, and settings.

Development in Visual Studio Code

VS Code's built-in debugger can help to accelerate your development and debug loop. You can set up the debugger in VS Code by installing two extensions:

  • Debugger for Chrome

  • Live Server

  1. Launch Live Server by right clicking index.html launcher-file in the root directory.

  2. Navigate to VS Code debugger and create a config file in VS Debugger by clicking the "Run and Debug" button. Select Chrome as a development environment. Replace "url": with the link in the browser Note that port “5500” can vary depending on the local setup.

    Or paste this snippet in the config file:

  1. Compile template and set it to watch/live-reload by cd (your template-folder), then tsc -p . -w command in the terminal/cmd/shell.

  2. Set a breakpoint and run the VS Code debugger.

Development in Visual Studio

  1. Install the TypeScript Tools extension. If you use LESS/SASS, also install the WebCompiler extension.

  2. Add a Web project with the relevant files. There are multiple project types to do this – check the Microsoft documentation.

  3. Set the HTML file which hosts PlayerSimulator as the Start Page; set a break-point in the template and press F5.

Building a Release ZIP file

Once developed, tested, and debugged the template in PlayerSim, the next step is to build a production release ZIP file which can then be uploaded to the CMS.

To easily automate creation of these ZIP files, the folder and file structure is standardised as follows:


our template


our template main-file for release


our template code file, generated by the TypeScript compiler



our template CSS file, generated by the LESS preprocessor


all files in this folder are included


all files in this folder are included


all files in this folder are included



the manifest file

The release ZIP file is then built using a Node.js script, which is provided as part of the Player Simulator.

The package.json file looks as follows:

"scripts": {
    "build-testTemplate": "cd testTemplate && tsc -p . & lessc css/template.less css/template.css & lessc --clean-css css/template.less css/template.min.css",
    "zip-testTemplate": "node build/zipDiseTemplate.js testTemplate"

To build the ZIP file:

npm run zip-testTemplate

The ZIP file is then created in the deployment folder.


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