Ticker Object
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read

Ticker Object

Article summary

Use the Ticker objectto add scrolling text.. This can be a single static text string, or text that is loaded from an external source such as an RSS feed or using the data connection interface.

In the Objects tab, double-click on the ticker icon, click it and drag into the edit area. This will take you the the ticker properties window.


Text settings tab: 🔎︎

  • Font, Size etc. - Specify the font name, size and appearance.
  • Color - The color of the font.
  • Background color - If multicolor and fill background is set, this will be the opaque background color of the ticker.
  • Text - The text that will be used, unless connected to a data source.
  • Multicolor - Allow the ticker to have multiple colors. The text color can be changed with embedded commands in the text. With a multi-color ticker it is also possible to embed images in the text.
  • Fill background - Make the background opaque (non-transparent). The color of the background can be selected with the background color button on the first page in the ticker dialog. Fill background is only available when creating a multi-color ticker.
  • Multiline - Create a ticker with multiple lines of text. A way of creating vertical scrolling text.
  • Paged - Create a ticker that displays the text as pages. Each page will scroll in, stay and scroll out. The in-and out motions can be selected separately, and the stay-time for each page can be selected. A paged ticker can be both multi line and single-line.


Motion settings tab: 🔎︎

  • Speed - Scroll speed. Unit is 1/10 of a pixel per frame.
  • Direction - The main scrolling direction of the ticker. Options are Left, Right, Up or Down.
  • Repeat the text when finished.
  • Restart text when scene restarts.
  • Scroll out before repeating.
  • Scroll out between each line.
  • Scroll out space - Change the default spacing when a 'scroll out' option is selected. Br default, text will disappear completely before new text scrolls in.
  • Sub-pixel movement - Enable the ticker to move slower than the resolution of the screen, creating smooth movement. If the text font has thin lines, it's not recommended to use sub-pixel movement.
  • Start scrolled in - Will begin the scene with text fully scrolled in, instead of starting from the edge of the screen.
  • Scroll in – Scroll out (Paged)- Extra options that appear when you are creating a paged ticker.
    • In motion- The effect that will be used when each page appears:
      • Normal - Use the main 'Direction' set.
      • Scroll left
      • Scroll right
      • Scroll up
      • Scroll down
      • Cut - No motion, the text appears instantly.
      • Typewriter - The text will appear as if it were written on a typewriter. The speed of the typewriter can be specified.
        • Typewriter speed - Specify the animation speed.
    • Out motion - The effect that will be used when each page disappears. The settings are the same as the 'in-motion' options.
    • Pause time - The time each page stays on screen, specified in seconds. The time is calculated between when the in-motion stops and the out-motion starts.


Data settings tab: 🔎︎

  • Connected to external text file - Toggle data connection.
  • Only read data at beginning of scene - Will suspend data connections during playback of a scene and only read from files at the beginning.
  • Connect Data… - Click the Connect data button to open the Data Connection dialog in order to setup a data connection. Data connections enable the Ticker Object to fetch text from an external text file or a variable. This text will be reloaded every time the ticker object “loops” or starts.
  • Parse Macros (Date, Time...) - If enabled the text entered (or data connected) will be parsed for Text macros. Use the Insert macro button for a list of available macros.
  • Parse commands- If enabled the text will be filtered for formatting tags or other commands. The tags start with the < (smaller than) character and end with the > (larger than) character. Everything between the two characters will be removed from the visible text:
    • Execute commands - If enabled the embedded commands in the text will be executed. Parse commands must be enabled.
    • Allow font change commands - If enabled commands that change the ticker font (name, size, bold and italic) will be allowed. Parse commands and execute commands must be enabled.
  • Use global row counter - The Ticker Object will remember what line was shown last and to increment this by one the next time this ticker object is shown, there is only one global counter.
  • Live ticker - By default, tickers will scroll out before applying updates. Checking this box will override this and immediately update.
  • Compress spaces - If enabled any consecutive spaces in the text will be compressed to only one space.
  • Delete spaces in beginning - If enabled all spaces in the beginning of each text row will be removed.
  • Delete spaces at the end - If enabled all spaces at the end of each text row will be removed.
  • Delete empty rows - If enabled empty rows in the text will be discarded.
  • Right-to-left text order - Allows the text to be rendered in right-to-left
  • Invert row order - If enabled the text rows will be read in the reverse order. 
  • Invert word order - If enabled the text words will be read in the reverse order.
  • Use chars instead of words - Scroll each character individually rather than whole words.


Images tab: 🔎︎ 

  • Use separator image - Specify an image to be displayed inside the text.
  • Between rows - Display the separator image between each text row.
  • When text restarts - Display the separator image every time the text re-starts from the beginning.
  • Allow inline <sep> command - The separator can be displayed at any position in the text with the embedded command <sep> and specify an image to be displayed inside the text. Parse commands and Execute commands must be enabled.
  • Use image alpha channel (if exists) - Make use of the image alpha channel (transparency mask) to make parts of the image transparent.
  • Allow inline images - Any image can be displayed at any position in the text with the <image command>. Parse commands and Execute commands must be enabled.
  • Row-break on in-line image - Force any in line image to be displayed on a separate row. The option works with separator images and with images specified with the <image> command.
  • Include in-line images as dependencies - Add any images specified in the ticker text as dependencies to the Dise Movie.
  • Image resize mode- Resizing of the image is made with preserved aspect ratio:
    • No resize - All images will be displayed in their original size.
    • Resize to font size
    • Resize to ticker size
    • Resize to custom size
  • Don’t allow stretching over original size - Prevent images from getting enlarged over their original size.
  • Images (button) - Allows you to setup named images for use in the ticker. The images can be referred to by using the img tag with the name attribute. For example, <img name="up">


Tab settings tab:

Tabs can be used in both multi line and single line tickers. For multi line tickers it is possible to setup different tab stops, as well as the alignment at each tab stop. This is useful if you want the multi line ticker to display some kind of table. To setup the tab stops, click the button 'Setup tabs...'

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